Procurement Officer

July 2, 2024

Procurement Officer


  • Permanent
  • ES-Madrid-Madrid
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 Implement the Procurement Strategy

–  Support and challenge his/her internal clients in the definition of their business requirements, based on market or other entities best practices.

–  Prepare and issue RFPs together with the internal clients & functions: identification and selection of potential providers, on-boarding analysis, formalization of RFPs, selection criteria definition, etc. in line with the Group Norms and CSR approach.

–  Negotiate with suppliers and validate the contracts with all needed functions (Legal, DPO, IT Security, Compliance, etc.).

–  Follow-up the procurement actions within his/her perimeter making sure that the contracts conditions are compliant (price, lead-time, quality, etc.).

–  Realize and declare savings within his/her perimeter.

2. Manage the suppliers’ risks

  • Perform the on-boarding process of suppliers within his/her perimeter to ensure effective risk management at an early stage of the Procurement process.
  • Manage the relationships with suppliers within his/her perimeter in compliance with the Group rules of conduct:
    • Coordinate the suppliers’ risk monitoring process within his/her perimeter
    • Monitor the APL (Action Plan List) within his/her perimeter
    • Ensure the internal clients’ satisfaction in terms of cost, delivery and suppliers’ level of service and implement corrective actions, if needed.

Perform the off-boarding process with suppliers within his/her perimeter.

3. Participate in the Procurement Process Improvement

  • Contribute to the improvement of the internal processes, procedures and policies. 
  • Spread the procurement culture within the entity.

–  Build effective relationships with key stakeholders through proactive engagement, collaborative working practices and a lean and flexible approach to work.

  • Perform trainings whether mandatory or necessary to efficiently perform his/her function.
  • Participate in the transformation of the function following Group P&P guidelines.

4. Participate in the external staff management

  • Manage the necessary actions regarding the registration of external staff, as well as monitoring of all the related documentation and controls.
  • Act as contributor informing on the relevant issues and recommended measures related on the identified risks to appropriate stakeholders.

5. Comply with the Procurement Control Plan

  • Detect, notify and mitigate the risks within his/her perimeter (process or suppliers, etc.).
  • Perform the back-office activities of his/her perimeter:
    • Contracts archiving and follow-up of their termination dates to take appropriate decision with CPO and internal clients;
    • Controls regularly performed;
    • Suppliers’ folders maintenance up-to-date.

Diversity and Inclusion commitment

BNP Paribas Group in Spain is an equal opportunity employer and proud to provide equal employment opportunity to all job seekers. We are actively committed to ensuring that no individual is discriminated against on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership status, pregnancy and maternity/paternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation. Equity and diversity are at the core of our recruitment policy because we believe that they foster creativity and efficiency, which in turn increase performance and productivity. Therefore, on equal terms of qualifications and competencies for the position, the candidate of the underrepresented sex at that level shall have access to the position. We strive to reflect the society we live in, while keeping with the image of our clients.

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