El Grupo BNP Paribas es el principal banco de la Unión Europea y uno de los más importantes a nivel internacional. Contamos con cerca de 185.000 empleados en 65 países. En España somos más de 5.100 empleados en 13 líneas de negocio.



BNP Paribas Personal Finance, a través de su marca comercial Cetelem, es especialista en crédito al consumo, préstamos personales y gestión de tarjetas. Es partner financiero de importantes empresas de distribución, de bienes de consumo y concesionarios de automóviles y, además, un referente de análisis de mercado gracias a los estudios del Observatorio Cetelem. BNP Paribas Personal Finance cuenta con 20.000 empleados prestando servicio a más de 20 millones de clientes




  • Apoyo en la Gestión de HI (coordinación con las áreas, recabar validación del management operacional, inventariado, anonimización, traducción, seguimiento y carga en 360(RISKOP).
  • Soporte en la actualización cartografía/RCSA de Control Reglamentario y apoyo al resto de áreas de SO en la actualización de sus RCSA.
  • Apoyo en el seguimiento de la realización de PSFs por las áreas de SO.
  • Soporte en la actualización Procedimiento de Control Reglamentario y apoyo al resto de áreas de SO en actualización de sus procedimientos.
  • Apoyo en el seguimiento de las recomendaciones y ACPs de las áreas de SO.
  • Apoyo en la ejecución controles propios Control Normativo: Perfiles Taller Vendedor, Usuarios Carpetas Red, Usuarios Mystery Shopper…
  • PCA – BIA. Apoyo en el seguimiento y actualización del plan BIA y gestión de actualizaciones en la herramienta.
  • .


  • Idiomas: Inglés intermedio/alto 



  • Técnicas:
    • Buen manejo de paquete office.
  • Transversales & Comportamentales
    • Trabajo en equipo
    • Proactividad
    • Ganas de aprender.



  • Modelo híbrido de teletrabajo. 
  • Un día de vacaciones por mes trabajado (conforme duración de Convenio con la universidad).


Compromiso de diversidad e inclusión

BNP Paribas Grupo en España es un empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades y se enorgullece de brindar igualdad de oportunidades de empleo a todos los que buscan trabajo. Nos comprometemos activamente a garantizar que ninguna persona sea discriminada por motivos de edad, discapacidad, cambio de género, estado civil o de matrimonio, embarazo y maternidad/paternidad, raza, religión o creencias, sexo u orientación sexual. La equidad y la diversidad están en el centro de nuestra política de contratación porque creemos que fomentan la creatividad y la eficiencia, lo que a su vez aumenta el rendimiento y la productividad. Nos esforzamos por reflejar la sociedad en la que vivimos, manteniendo la imagen de nuestros clientes.


BNP Paribas Group is the top bank in the European Union and a major international banking establishment. It has close to 185,000 employees in 65 countries. In Spain we are more than 5,100 employees within 13 business lines.


Spain IT Production

Spain IT Production organization consists of CIB ITO & ITG IT Platforms and is responsible for providing IT Production services to our Clients in EMEA, ensuring a Digital Market evolution, in a secured and performant environment, and with a reliable quality. IT Production organisation includes Infrastructure services, Digital Working, Telecom& Datacentres, Production Security and Application Production domains and associated transversal services (CTO Office, Control Tower, PMO and IT Continuity). In Spain, IT Production relies on a Platform with over 400 experts that provide full-stack support services ensuring a secure, stable, standardized, and efficient production.



The service of Production Security provides all necessary resources to ensure the correct and efficient control, administration and support of operational security solutions and tools on network, server and endpoint infrastructures for business areas operated by ITG.

For the Security Dashboard activities, we are looking for Data Security & Business Intelligence Engineer to support and coordinate the deployment of the Security Dashboard within the security productions of the BNPPARIBAS group


Needs analysis for evolution of the current BI solution

Provision of solutions in accordance with the company’s strategy based on (Cyber security Group requirements

Coordinate the redesign and Dashboard transformation

Deploy the solution within the group’s ProdSec entities of the group

Ensure comitology with stakeholders (Technical Experts, Functional Experts, Product Owner, and customers.)

Report to the manager and Team lead on the achievements progress.

Ensuring the updating of the documentary heritage corpus



  • Studies

Bachelor’s in computer science or equivalent

  • Experience

Minimum 5 to 10 years of experience in cybersecurity and production environments

  • Languages


English mandatory



  • Technical


Python, PHP/ Symfony

Systems: architecture, security, etc. to support monitoring and steering actions- définition, production et mise en place de KPI de pilotage et de suivi

The methodology for monitoring Cybersecurity Control Projects;

Vulnérability & Patch Management

Qualys , Tanium is plus

  • Transversal & Behavioral


Strong situational analysis and needs identification.

Proposal force for the most relevant solutions

Ability to collaborate with different types of profiles. Technical, Functional, Project Leadership. Team leader, etc.

Ability to share and transmit.

Rigor, organization and method with a spirit of analysis and synthesis

Customer orientation: listening, support and understanding of needs.

Transverse vision to anticipate data correlations / Impacts.

Good Cyber Security Culture.



• Training programs, career plans and internal mobility opportunities, national and international thanks to our presence in different countries.

• Diversity and Inclusion Committee that ensures an inclusive work environment. In recent years, several employee communities have been created to organize diversity and inclusion awareness actions (PRIDE, We Generations and MixCity).

• Corporate volunteering program (1 Million Hours 2 Help) in which employees can dedicate time out of their working hours to volunteer activities.

• Flexible compensation plan.

• Hybrid telecommuting model (50%).

• 31 vacation days.


Diversity and inclusion commitment

BNP Paribas Group in Spain is an equal opportunity employer and proud to provide equal employment opportunity to all job seekers. We are actively committed to ensuring that no individual is discriminated against on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership status, pregnancy and maternity/paternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation. Equity and diversity are at the core of our recruitment policy because we believe that they foster creativity and efficiency, which in turn increase performance and productivity. We strive to reflect the society we live in, while keeping with the image of our clients.


BNP Paribas Group is the top bank in the European Union and a major international banking establishment. It has close to 185,000 employees in 65 countries. In Spain we are more than 5,100 employees within 13 business lines.

Spain IT Production

Spain IT Production organization consists of CIB ITO & ITG IT Platforms and is responsible for providing IT Production services to our Clients in EMEA, ensuring a Digital Market evolution, in a secured and performant environment, and with a reliable quality. IT Production organisation includes Infrastructure services, Digital Working, Telecom& Datacentres, Production Security and Application Production domains and associated transversal services (CTO Office, Control Tower, PMO and IT Continuity). In Spain, IT Production relies on a Platform with over 400 experts that provide full-stack support services ensuring a secure, stable, standardized, and efficient production.



This position is focused on the administration of Unix servers hosted in BNP PARIBAS, most of them RHEL and Ubuntu, but also hosting other Operating Systems, like Solaris, AIX, Debian, etc.


This infrastructure offers service on a high availability environments to ensure applications availability.

Due to the large number of assets to manage, to be able to build and manage scripts to automatize the operative is a key point.

Vulnerability and obsolescence remediation, proactive improvements and action plan for incidents are part of the day to day of this position.

To work following ITIL methodology is part of the daily basis in this and the rest of IT areas.


  • o   Bachelor in Computer Science preferable but not mandatory.
  • o   ITIL Foundation certificate will be desirable.


o   5 year minimum in a similar position.


  • o   High English spoken and written fluent (B2/C). Mandatory
  • o   French spoken and written will be valued.



·      Advanced skills in administration and troubleshooting on RHEL and Ubuntu distributions in big infrastructures (> 1000 servers).

·      Scripting and automation experience in Ansible.

·      Management of SAN and NAS at server side.

·      Knowledge of networking at server side.

·      Experience administering clustering solutions like:

o   Veritas Infoscale Foundation

o   OpenSVC


·      Skills on other automation technologies as Puppet.

·      Knowledge in Active Directory and Centrify.

·      Knowledge of patching tools like Satellite or Landscape.

Transversal & Behavioral

  •  Eager to learn.
  •  Analytical mind-set.
  • Ability to work well under pressure, ability to work autonomous and in team environment.
  • Good interpersonal and communication skills.


• Training programs, career plans and internal mobility opportunities, national and international thanks to our presence in different countries.

• Diversity and Inclusion Committee that ensures an inclusive work environment. In recent years, several employee communities have been created to organize diversity and inclusion awareness actions (PRIDE, We Generations and MixCity).

• Corporate volunteering program (1 Million Hours 2 Help) in which employees can dedicate time out of their working hours to volunteer activities.

• Flexible compensation plan.

• Hybrid telecommuting model (50%).

• 31 vacation days.

Diversity and inclusion commitment

BNP Paribas Group in Spain is an equal opportunity employer and proud to provide equal employment opportunity to all job seekers. We are actively committed to ensuring that no individual is discriminated against on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership status, pregnancy and maternity/paternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation. Equity and diversity are at the core of our recruitment policy because we believe that they foster creativity and efficiency, which in turn increase performance and productivity. We strive to reflect the society we live in, while keeping with the image of our clients.


El Grupo BNP Paribas es el principal banco de la Unión Europea y uno de los más importantes a nivel internacional. Contamos con cerca de 185.000 empleados en 65 países. En España somos más de 5.100 empleados en 13 líneas de negocio.


BNP Paribas en su actividad de Securities Services ofrece una amplia variedad de servicios derivados de la compra-venta de instrumentos financieros y participaciones en fondos de inversión, como su liquidación, custodia, valoración, administración y financiación y todas las operaciones financieras derivadas de los mismos (pago de dividendos, ampliaciones de capital, suscripciones y reembolsos de fondos, etc.).



Corporate Actions es un departamento muy amplio que engloba todos tipos de operaciones financieras como ampliaciones de capital, OPA, dividendos en especie o en efectivo, amortizaciones, conversiones… en todos los mercados donde invierten nuestros clientes.


·        Traducir al español los anuncios de los eventos corporativos para nuestros clientes respetando los plazos acordados

·        Gestionar las instrucciones recibidas por parte de nuestros clientes para su tratamiento respetando las fechas límites de contestación

·        Contestar de manera proactiva a las dudas de nuestros clientes

·        Reconciliar a diario las cuentas de efectivo y valores


  • Estudios

   ADE, económicas

  • Experiencia

No se requiere experiencia previa

  • Idiomas

Alto nivel de español e inglés


  • Técnicas

Paquete Office

  • Transversales & Comportamentales
  • Organización y rigurosidad en el trabajo
  • Concienciación del riesgo
  • Alta orientación al cliente
  • Proactividad


• Programas de formación, planes de carrera y oportunidades de movilidad interna, no solo a nivel nacional sino también a nivel internacional gracias a nuestra presencia en diferentes países.

• Comité de Diversidad e Inclusión a nivel Grupo que vela por un ambiente de trabajo inclusivo. En los últimos años se han creado varias comunidades de empleados que organizan diferentes acciones de concienciación en torno a la diversidad e inclusión (PRIDE, We Generations y MixCity).

• Programa de voluntariado corporativo (1 Million Hours 2 Help) en el que los empleados pueden dedicar tiempo de su horario laboral a actividades de voluntariado.

• Plan de retribución flexible.

• Modelo de teletrabajo híbrido (50%).

• 34 días de vacaciones.

Compromiso de diversidad e inclusión

BNP Paribas Grupo en España es un empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades y se enorgullece de brindar igualdad de oportunidades de empleo a todos los que buscan trabajo. Nos comprometemos activamente a garantizar que ninguna persona sea discriminada por motivos de edad, discapacidad, cambio de género, estado civil o de matrimonio, embarazo y maternidad/paternidad, raza, religión o creencias, sexo u orientación sexual. La equidad y la diversidad están en el centro de nuestra política de contratación porque creemos que fomentan la creatividad y la eficiencia, lo que a su vez aumenta el rendimiento y la productividad. Por tanto, en igualdad de condiciones en cuanto a cualificación y competencias para el puesto, accederá la persona candidata del sexo menos representado en ese nivel. Nos esforzamos por reflejar la sociedad en la que vivimos, manteniendo la imagen de nuestros clientes.  


The Transportation Capital Markets team is currently made of +45 people spread across 6 countries serving the key clients in this sector in EMEA. The team works with clients from three segments: Aviation, Shipping and Rail and encourages fostering cross segment expertise internally. The team comprises Senior Relationship Managers supported by a Transaction & Execution team and a Credit & Portfolio Management Team (CPM). 

Within TCM, a Credit Analyst plays a fundamental role in contributing to credit origination and “through the life cycle” follow up process of credit exposure to a client.    
The Credit Analyst will work on an assigned portfolio of clients closely and under the supervision of the relevant Relationship Managers and the Transaction & Execution team when analyzing new transaction opportunities or when undertaking annual reviews, amendments, waivers etc. 
He/ she will assist in:  
• Analysis of the business and creditworthiness of clients including, a review of the client’s business and positioning, its financial statements, cash flow modelling, asset recovery and profitability in compliance with the latest applicable internal model, ESG Assessment, KYC checks, etc.  
• Preparation of written Credit Proposals (Annual Reviews, New Requests, Amendment/Waivers) entailing the above points in order to support credit committee decisions regarding the client’s risk of default, credit rating and adequacy of the proposed financing 
• Perform on a regular basis industry overviews, peer analysis and portfolio reviews   
• Reporting & Data management ensuring database quality  
• Work with cohesion and team spirit within the CPM team and with the other members of the TCM team as well as with internal/external stakeholders (on a local and international scale). 
This is a great opportunity to join our team of credit professionals, and benefit from the following: 
• Opportunity to work with large scale Transportation companies from across Europe, Middle East and Africa 
• Gain in-depth knowledge of the Transportation sector and a wide range of structured products 
• International working environment


• Master’s Degree in Finance, Management, Economics or Accounting

• Ability to undertake detailed financial analysis and build cash flow models and convey a balanced sense of risk

• Advanced written/verbal communication skills in English (mandatory)

• Ability to collaborate / work in a multi-location, multi-cultural team

• Efficient in multi-tasking (strong planning and organizational capacity)

• Self-starter with strong drive and initiative as well as a flexible spirit

• Prior knowledge/ experience in the Transportation Sector would be a significant advantage 

• Comfort in using Excel, PowerPoint and Word

Technical skills  
  • Ability to undertake financial and accounting analysis
  • Ability to build cashflow models
  • Oral & Written communication skills 
Behavioural skills:

  • Ability to collaborate/Teamwork 
  • Resilience 
  • Organisational Skills 

  • Training programs, career plans and internal mobility opportunities, national and international thanks to our presence in different countries.
  • Diversity and Inclusion Committee that ensures an inclusive work environment. In recent years, several employee communities have been created to organize diversity and inclusion awareness actions (PRIDE, We Generations and MixCity).
  • Corporate volunteering program (1 Million Hours 2 Help) in which employees can dedicate time out of their working hours to volunteer activities.
  • Flexible compensation plan.
  • Hybrid telecommuting model (50%).
  • 31 vacation days.

Diversity and inclusion commitment

BNP Paribas Group in Spain is an equal opportunity employer and proud to provide equal employment opportunity to all job seekers. We are actively committed to ensuring that no individual is discriminated against on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership status, pregnancy and maternity/paternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation. Equity and diversity are at the core of our recruitment policy because we believe that they foster creativity and efficiency, which in turn increase performance and productivity. We strive to reflect the society we live in, while keeping with the image of our clients.

The role

As a Credit Risk Model Validation Specialist you will participate in the Review, Oversight and monitoring of all Credit Risk Models in force within BNP Paribas such as (IFRS9, Scoring Models, IRB, Stress Testing and ICAAP) and you would play a major role in the definition and challenge of BNP’s global modelling convergence across entities by  helping in reaching full compliance with European Banking Regulations such as (CRD, CRR, Basel IV).

Additionally, the role may occasionally require reviewing and assessing other models that may affect any of the credit risk cycle decision making process including ESG related models and would require an ongoing monitoring to ensure that existing models implemented meet Group’s requirements in terms of performance (Review of Estimates and Backtesting)(.

As such, you will join an international team named – RISK Independent Review and Control – with presence in up to 9 countries comprised by a wide range of experienced and skilled professionals in the Credit Risk Domain that would give you the chance to liaise with senior executive members across BNP’s Paribas RISK organization– including Model Development teams, Internal Audit and Risk Officers – across the different entities BNPP has in several locations including BNL – Italy , Fortis – Belgium , BNPP – France , BGL – Luxembourg .

The role would additionally encompass participating in the validation of to the Group’s Global Corporate Models including Asset Finance, Large Corporates, LBO, Financial Institutions)  and would require a frequent interaction with regulatory bodies (ECB , ACPR).

The role’s location:

The current position herein offered is based in Madrid where the BNP’s MADRID RISK HUB is based joining a large community of Risk Professionals in the domains of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, Operational Risk Control , Credit Market and Counterparty Risk, Cyber Security and Project Management.

Hybrid working policy with significant flexibility to work from home is offered.

What we are looking for:

Two candidates are being sought by the Independent Review and Control, candidates should:

  • Show a strong statistical knowledge in the domains of (statistical inference and probability, clustering, time series forecasting).
  • Show strong critical thinking and passion for learning.
  • Knowledge of the latest regulatory requirements including (NDOD, Basel IV, EBA Guidelines, IFRS9, CRR/CRD, Collateral eligibility, ECB Guide to Internal Models).
  • Have previous experience in the development and/or the Validation of both Retail and Corporate/Global models.
  • Knowledge of SAS.
  • Have good communication and synthesis skills.
  • Have had previous experience in liaising with regulatory bodies such as (ECB, ACPR,Bank of Spain) and has participated in on-site missions such as IMI and OSI.
  • Be fluent in English both written and spoken.
  • Be rigorous and have the capacity to work on its own.
  • Have a good team-spirit and passion for collaboration.
  • Knowledge of Machine Learning algorithms and prior experience with Python and R programming will be positively taken into consideration.

About BNP Paribas

BNP Paribas is the top bank in the European Union and a major international banking establishment. It has close to 190,000 employees in 65 countries, including almost 145,000 in Europe and around 4.700 employees in Spain only.

As a first-tier international banking group, BNP Paribas possesses leading platforms and businesses in Europe, a deep footprint in the Americas, and a solid, fast-growing set-up in the Asia-Pacific region. In Europe, BNP Paribas has four domestic markets: Belgium, France, Italy and Luxembourg. It also deploys its integrated retail banking model in countries of the Mediterranean rim, in Turkey and in Eastern Europe. 

With nearly 190,000 employees, BNP Paribas is present in 65 countries.


Within Group BNP Paribas ITO Function, Global Trade Operations, a community of 700* people in the 3 CIB regions & 50 countries, leverage on their integrated and global model to accompany the business strategy being the Global Trade operations Platforms a key enablers of the transformation.

The European Trade Finance Service Center has 115 employees across 16 nationalities in Spain and provides solutions for Domestic and international Guarantees, Syndicated guarantees, Fronting, Green and sustainable linked guarantees and Documentary products (Import and Export) for both, corporations or institutions, in close collaboration with the Global Trade Solutions teams.


  • Deal directly with CIB clients ensuring their needs are met and/or exceeded within established agreements.
  • Provide assistance/support to clients and corporate groups on technical aspects and practices of commercial LCs and documentary collections.
  • Ensure all transactions are properly processed and controlled. 

Detailed responsibilities:

  • Ensuring client needs are met and/or exceeded, processing client requests on a timely and proactive manner.
  • Providing assistance/support to clients and corporate groups on technical aspects and practices of commercial LCs and documentary products.
  • Providing support and assistance to Front Office (FO) on technical aspects and practices and in getting deals booked and properly processed.
  • Verifying that all approvals are in place (from Credit Risk, Compliance and Legal) in order to proceed with client requests
  • Instruct the Centralised Back-Office in India for the processing of commercial LCs and documentary collections.
  • In coordination with the Back-Office, ensure that letter of credit transactions are in conformity with client instructions, UCP Publication 600/ISP98, and the Bank’s credit/compliance procedures.
  • Ensure timely processing of sensitive transactions and report to management any unusual or intricate transactions requiring review, discussion and or approval.


  • A good understanding of Documentary products and specific regulation (UCP, ISP, URR, ISBP, URC…)
  • Knowledge of general accounting rules, mastering specific accounting rules for documentary products
  • Systems and processes: Word/Excel, SWIFT
  • English mandatory


Within Group BNP Paribas ITO Function, Global Trade Operations, a community of 700* people in the 3 CIB regions & 50 countries, leverage on their integrated and global model to accompany the business strategy being the Global Trade operations Platforms a key enablers of the transformation.

The European Trade Finance Service Center has 115 employees across 16 nationalities in Spain and provides solutions for Domestic and international Guarantees, Syndicated guarantees, Fronting, Green and sustainable linked guarantees and Documentary products (Import and Export) for both, corporations or institutions, in close collaboration with the Global Trade Solutions teams.


Deal directly with CIB clients ensuring their needs are met and/or exceeded within established agreements.

Provide assistance/support to clients and corporate groups on technical aspects of International and Domestic Guarantees.

Process Guarantees issued on behalf of the Bank’s clients or other branches/subsidiaries/correspondents, including the review and validation of wordings in non-standard or pre-validated formats.

The day to day processing of guarantee expiries and follow up with branches, correspondents and clients to ensure a smooth release of guarantee instruments as they meet their expiry dates.

The role will also be responsible for assisting the Invoicing and Fees officer when necessary.

Detailed responsibilities:

  • Ensuring client needs are met and/or exceeded, processing client requests on a timely and proactive manner.
  • Providing assistance/support to clients and corporate groups on technical aspects of International and Domestic Guarantees.
  • Providing support and assistance to Front Office (FO) on technical aspects and practices and in getting deals booked and properly processed.
  • Verifying that all approvals are in place (from Credit Risk, Compliance and Legal) in order to proceed with client requests
  • Processing of Guarantees issued on behalf of the Bank’s clients or other branches/subsidiaries/correspondents, direct/indirect with due regard to legal, compliance and risk aspects.
  • Checking that wordings in non-standard or pre-validated formats are acceptable for the Bank.


  • A good understanding of Guarantees products and specific regulation (URDG, ISP, UCP…)
  • Knowledge of general accounting rules, mastering specific accounting rules for guarantees
  • Systems and processes: Word/Excel, SWIFT
  • English mandatory


Within Group BNP Paribas ITO Function, Global Trade Operations, a community of 700* people in the 3 CIB regions & 50 countries, leverage on their integrated and global model to accompany the business strategy being the Global Trade operations Platforms a key enablers of the transformation.

The European Trade Finance Service Center has 115 employees across 16 nationalities in Spain and provides solutions for Domestic and international Guarantees, Syndicated guarantees, Fronting, Green and sustainable linked guarantees and Documentary products (Import and Export) for both, corporations or institutions, in close collaboration with the Global Trade Solutions teams.


Deal directly with CIB clients ensuring their needs are met and/or exceeded within established agreements.

Provide assistance/support to clients and corporate groups on technical aspects of International and Domestic Guarantees.

Process Guarantees issued on behalf of the Bank’s clients or other branches/subsidiaries/correspondents, including the review and validation of wordings in non-standard or pre-validated formats.

The day to day processing of guarantee expiries and follow up with branches, correspondents and clients to ensure a smooth release of guarantee instruments as they meet their expiry dates.

The role will also be responsible for assisting the Invoicing and Fees officer when necessary.

Detailed responsibilities:

  • Ensuring client needs are met and/or exceeded, processing client requests on a timely and proactive manner.
  • Providing assistance/support to clients and corporate groups on technical aspects of International and Domestic Guarantees.
  • Providing support and assistance to Front Office (FO) on technical aspects and practices and in getting deals booked and properly processed.
  • Verifying that all approvals are in place (from Credit Risk, Compliance and Legal) in order to proceed with client requests
  • Processing of Guarantees issued on behalf of the Bank’s clients or other branches/subsidiaries/correspondents, direct/indirect with due regard to legal, compliance and risk aspects.
  • Checking that wordings in non-standard or pre-validated formats are acceptable for the Bank.


  • A good understanding of Guarantees products and specific regulation (URDG, ISP, UCP…)
  • Knowledge of general accounting rules, mastering specific accounting rules for guarantees
  • Systems and processes: Word/Excel, SWIFT
  • English mandatory

The main objective of Operational Risk Management (ORM) team is to provide a 2nd level of defense on the Bank’s operational risk framework, including all outsourced processes. The ORM framework is based on a risk-based approach with the main objective of avoiding, reducing or transferring major risks, in compliance with the local regulatory framework. The ultimate objective is to reduce losses to the Bank related to operational risk. 

The RISK ORM ICT Officer will ensure that the Group’s policies, rules, standards and methodologies are applied in its various tasks detailed below.


  • RCSA (Risk and Control Self Assessment) – Ensure that the RCSA framework is well managed and implemented within the territory; as the 2nd line of defense, perform the RCSA check & challenge for the ICT perimeter;
  • Historical Incidents (HI) – Ensure the proper reporting of operational incidents by LoD1; conducting a quality review of ICT-type operational risk incidents and monitoring related action plans;
  • Potential Incidents (PI) – Conduct a quality review of potential ICT incidents and ensure the coordination and follow-up of their updates;
  • Recommendations – Follow-up the recommendations, permanent control actions and associated action plans ;
  • Controls – Implement the centrally defined control plan and perform locally the defined Process Review of the ICT scope ;
  • Procedures – Ensure the procedures are properly up to date;
  • TAC/NAC – Participate in the new activities/transaction committees by giving RISK opinion on any operational risk arising from the proposed activity/transaction;
  • Fraud – Ensuring the proper execution of the Anti-Fraud PCG with LoD1;
  • To challenge the first line of defense on the following topics:  
  • The ICT risk assessment exercises on Information Systems; 
  • The identification of critical IT assets and assessment of the impacts of the risks attached to these assets; 
  • The identification of the essential 3rd parties and the assessment of ICT risks associated with their services; 
  • The business continuity and crisis management framework; 
  • The Control Plans and self-assessments executed by the 1st line of defense and their results.  

Responsibilities related to the Governance

  • Alert and escalate to the Management level any incident related to operational risk and/or any recurring weaknesses in the operational risk management framework;
  • Contribute to the OPC/ORM community meeting by proposing topics related to the ORMF;
  • Actively contribute to the Operational Risk Committee (CRODG) by preparing the support, providing a RISK Opinion;
  • Actively contribute to the Internal Control Committee (ICC);
  • Participate in the TAC/NAC/NPC committee; analyse & challenge the level of risk;
  • Participate in local ICT risk governance bodies.

Responsibilities related to the Regulation

  • Ensure that the Operational Risk and Operational Resilience Circular FINMA 2023-01 is properly implemented within BNP Paribas Switzerland;
  • Ensure that the principles of FINMA 2018-03 Circular related to Outsourcing are properly managed;

Transversal responsibilities

  • Participate in the deployment of methodologies, tools and controls;
  • Participate in the creation of a consolidated vision of the various risk assessment tools (mapping, incidents, controls, action plans…);
  • Work closely with the Data Protection Office (DPO); help the DPO (central and territorial) to fulfil all their LoD2 obligations and monitor compliance with regulatory requirements for personal data protection;
  • Solid experience and skills on ICT & Cyber Security domains
  • Capabilty to run risk analysis and execute controls
  • Capability to make a decision/provide a risk opinion


  • MS Pack Office (Word, Excel & Power Point)
  • Capabilty to run risk analysis and execute controls
  • Capability to make a decision/provide a risk opinion
  • Ability to manage a project, facilitate a meeting, committee


  • Organizational Skills
  • Collaborate/Teamwork
  • Manage a project

English Mandatory: Fluent level

French: Optional