BNP Paribas Group es el principal banco de la Unión Europea y un importante establecimiento bancario internacional.
 Tiene cerca de 185.000 empleados en 65 países.
 En España somos más de 5.100 empleados en 13 líneas de negocio.
Personal Finance

BNP Paribas Personal Finance, a través de su marca Cetelem, está especializada en créditos al consumo, préstamos personales y gestión de tarjetas.
 Es un socio financiero de los principales minoristas, empresas de bienes de consumo y concesionarios de automóviles, así como una referencia en el análisis de mercado gracias a los estudios del Observatorio Cetelem.
 BNP Paribas Personal Finance tiene 20.000 empleados que prestan servicios a más de 20 millones de clientes.

Fomentar el crecimiento profesional de los colaboradores de Cetelem con el objetivo de alcanzar los objetivos fijados en el proyecto estratégico vigente en la compañía en cada momento. Para ello, es necesario, analizar los objetivos estratégicos, escuchar a los colaboradores, diseñar, ejecutar y evaluar planes de aprendizaje y desarrollo, así como fomentar tanto los valores de empresa, como una cultura de auto-aprendizaje continuo.  Siempre respetando el marco normativo y de políticas, las externas que puedan afectar y las internas como las políticas generales de RH vigentes. 

    • Ayuda en la animación de la Ops Academy (gestión de comunicaciones, creación de periódico virtual, etc.)
    • Especialista en marketing digital
    • Dotes comerciales
    • Skills tecnológicos valorando sobre todo el conocimiento en herramientas de creación de contenido digital
    • Ayuda en la gestión de la herramienta para la creación de los contenidos formativos de los externos
    • Mente creativa e innovadora
  • Languages

Inglés deseable

  • Técnicos

Buen manejo de paquete Office

  • Transversales
  • Habilidades organizativas
  • Trabajo en equipo
• Modelo híbrido de trabajo.
• 1 día de vacaciones por mes trabajado,
Diversity and inclusion commitment
BNP Paribas Group in Spain is an equal opportunity employer and proud to provide equal employment opportunity to all job seekers. We are actively committed to ensuring that no individual is discriminated against on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership status, pregnancy and maternity/paternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation. Equity and diversity are at the core of our recruitment policy because we believe that they foster creativity and efficiency, which in turn increase performance and productivity. We strive to reflect the society we live in, while keeping with the image of our clients.


El Grupo BNP Paribas es el principal banco de la Unión Europea y uno de los más importantes a nivel internacional. Contamos con cerca de 185.000 empleados en 65 países. En España somos más de 5.100 empleados en 13 líneas de negocio.
BNP Paribas Cardif es una aseguradora global con presencia en más de 30 países, 50 años de historia y una posición central dentro del negocio del Grupo BNP Paribas. A día de hoy, lideramos el mercado de seguros de protección de pagos y damos protección a más de 100 millones de clientes en todo el mundo. En Cardif Iberia contamos con cerca de 200 empleados repartidos entre las oficinas de Madrid y Lisboa, que trabajan en conjunto cada día para proporcionar a nuestros partners y clientes las mejores soluciones de seguros.
Debido a la combinación de nuestra experiencia y perspectiva en el mundo de los seguros, nos hemos convertido en una fuente de innovación, estableciendo un modelo único de partnership. A través de él, buscamos la asociación con compañías de una gran variedad de sectores (banca, financieras de consumo, fabricantes de automóviles, telcos, etc.), con los que cocreamos soluciones de protección adaptadas tanto a sus necesidades como a las de sus clientes.
En un mundo que cambia rápidamente (hábitos de consumo, tendencias demográficas, digitalización, etc.), y en el que continuamente surgen nuevos usos y expectativas, nos posicionamos en un modelo de transformación continua que nos permite apoyar a nuestros clientes con productos ajustados a sus verdaderas necesidades, en el momento en que lo demandan, y siempre con la garantía de tranquilidad que proporciona la experiencia de un grupo y una empresa sólidos como son el Grupo BNP Paribas y BNP Paribas Cardif. 
¿Nuestra misión como compañía? Hacer los seguros más accesibles.
Apoyar al equipo financiero, realizando el control de la evolución financiera de la empresa.

• Apoyo en la construcción y emisión del informe mensual de primas
• Participar en los cierres con una periodicidad trimestral generando la informacion necesaria de primas para contabilidad en colaboración con el equipo comercial

• Apoyo en la elaboración del reporting financiero mensual y trimestral para casa matriz

• Proveer a las entidades sectoriales (Unespa / ICEA) de la informacion financiera requerida
• Apoyo en la gestión a nivel de control interno en relación con la ejecución de las tareas de control de gestión
• Apoyo en la actualización los procedimientos del departamento con el objetivo de encontrar mejoras en la actividad

• Apoyo en el seguimiento del presupuesto y actualizaciones, informar sobre los impactos proyectados de las variaciones respecto a los objetivos

  • Estudios
Grado/ Licenciatura en ADE, Finanzas, Económicas.

Estudiante de grado en ADE/ Economía/ Finanzas y Contabilidad o relacionadas con finanzas

Disponibilidad de firmar convenio con Universidad o Centro de Estudios mínimo 6 meses

  • Idiomas

Inglés alto (B2)

  • Técnicas


  • Transversales & Comportamentales
Trabajo en equipo
• Modelo híbrido de teletrabajo.
• Un día de vacaciones por mes trabajado (conforme duración de Convenio con la Universidad).
Compromiso de diversidad e inclusión
BNP Paribas Grupo en España es un empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades y se enorgullece de brindar igualdad de oportunidades de empleo a todos los que buscan trabajo. Nos comprometemos activamente a garantizar que ninguna persona sea discriminada por motivos de edad, discapacidad, cambio de género, estado civil o de matrimonio, embarazo y maternidad/paternidad, raza, religión o creencias, sexo u orientación sexual. La equidad y la diversidad están en el centro de nuestra política de contratación porque creemos que fomentan la creatividad y la eficiencia, lo que a su vez aumenta el rendimiento y la productividad. Por tanto, en igualdad de condiciones en cuanto a cualificación y competencias para el puesto, accederá la persona candidata del sexo menos representado en ese nivel. Nos esforzamos por reflejar la sociedad en la que vivimos, manteniendo la imagen de nuestros clientes.   


BNP Paribas Group is the top bank in the European Union and a major international banking establishment. It has close to 185,000 employees in 65 countries. In Spain we are more than 5,100 employees within 13 business lines.

Spain IT Production

Spain IT Production organization consists of CIB ITO & ITG IT Platforms and is responsible for providing IT Production services to our Clients in EMEA, ensuring a Digital Market evolution, in a secured and performant environment, and with a reliable quality. IT Production organisation includes Infrastructure services, Digital Working, Telecom& Datacentres, Production Security and Application Production domains and associated transversal services (CTO Office, Control Tower, PMO and IT Continuity). In Spain, IT Production relies on a Platform with over 400 experts that provide full-stack support services ensuring a secure, stable, standardized, and efficient production.



The Videoconferencing Technician is responsible to oversee the audiovisual infrastructure, rooms and auditoriums. Support the daily incidents and requests. Assists with the setup, configuration and maintenance of videoconference systems. Monitor the videoconference backend.


·         Provide expertise on projects; designing; implementing; supporting networks and converged infrastructures.

·         Maintain system documentation, as-builds, service manuals, and knowledge base articles for the support of each system. Develop and implement training materials.

·         Work with other partners and engineers.

·         Communicate project status and team positioning to the Global Head of Audiovisuals. Produce reports as requested.



·         Fluent in French and English

·         More than 3 years of experience as audiovisual specialist

·         Global mind-set

Essential: expertise

·         Knowledge on Cisco Videoconference technologies

·         Knowledge on WebEx

·         Knowledge on Digital Signage solutions

The following topics will be taken into consideration:

·         Experience with sound systems for auditoriums

·         Experience on Live events

  • Languages

High French spoken and written fluent (C1/C2)

High English spoken and written fluent (C1/C2)


  • Good communication
  • Good customer handling
  • Good documentation
  • Team player
  • Proactivity


• Training programs, career plans and internal mobility opportunities, national and international thanks to our presence in different countries.

• Diversity and Inclusion Committee that ensures an inclusive work environment. In recent years, several employee communities have been created to organize diversity and inclusion awareness actions (PRIDE, We Generations and MixCity).

• Corporate volunteering program (1 Million Hours 2 Help) in which employees can dedicate time out of their working hours to volunteer activities.

• Flexible compensation plan.

• Hybrid telecommuting model (50%).

• 31 vacation days.

Diversity and inclusion commitment

BNP Paribas Group in Spain is an equal opportunity employer and proud to provide equal employment opportunity to all job seekers. We are actively committed to ensuring that no individual is discriminated against on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership status, pregnancy and maternity/paternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation. Equity and diversity are at the core of our recruitment policy because we believe that they foster creativity and efficiency, which in turn increase performance and productivity. We strive to reflect the society we live in, while keeping with the image of our clients.



BNP Paribas Group is the top bank in the European Union and a major international banking establishment. It has close to 185,000 employees in 65 countries. In Spain we are more than 5,100 employees within 13 business lines.
Personal Finance
BNP Paribas Personal Finance, through its brand Cetelem, specialises in consumer credit, personal loans and card management. It is a financial partner of major retailers, consumer goods companies and car dealerships, as well as a benchmark in market analysis thanks to the Cetelem Observatory studies. BNP Paribas Personal Finance has 20,000 employees serving more than 20 million customers.

Finance Internal Auditor Internship

BNPP Personal finance offers a six-month Internship in our Spanish office at Banco Cetelem.

This programme is for candidates who are already graduate. Candidates that are looking to spread their knowledge and with great experience in a dynamic Bank, such as; BNPP Personal finance.

This opportunity offers you the chance to work closely within the Spanish Finance HUB for 2LOD (Second Line of Defense). This team will arrange a set of objectives, which will contribute to achieve your career goals. This role will offer you the opportunity to obtain a great exposure to BNPP’s culture and values.

During the internship, you will develop a set of skills useful to interact with different cultures and time zones. Since the position is based in Spain, Madrid Office, and you will cover different European countries, such as; Spain, Portugal, Belgium and Netherlands.


•      Recommendations: Monitoring of external auditors’ recommendation. Validation of the closure for all external auditors’ recommendations. In some specific cases, validation of closure of  Regulators’ recommendations related to Finance risks. Follow the implementation of all recommendations and actions of permanent control. Alert the management in case of  significant delay detected for their implementation. Implement key points for closure of recommendations regarding LOD2 issues

•      Governance: Preparation for permanent control Committee.

•      Reporting: Preparation of the reports for 2LoD framework. Self-assessment Finance questionnaire review.

•      Risk Culture: Circulation of any Group norms about internal control to  Finance OPC and Finance / Support for their implementation

•      Data Quality: Overview of the 1LoD controls about data quality. Performance of 2LoD controls about Data quality

•      AC MPC LPC CCP: Performed the independent testing over the Accounting & Management control & Liquidity & Capital control plans

•      Being a reference for control standards through the whole organization, helping to strength the control framework.

PROFILEFinance Internal Auditor

  • Business, Finance, Economics, Statistics and other relevant degrees preferred
  • Strong computer skills, specifically in Microsoft Office applications.
  • Excellent writing and communications skills and ability to work as a member of a fast-paced, transaction orientated team
  • Self-starter, must be organised and able to work independently
  • Ability to prioritise work and multi-task responsibilities
  • Strong attention to detail
  • Ability to perform under pressure and meet time sensitive deadlines
  • Fluent in English


• Hybrid telecommuting model. 
• One vacation day per month worked (according to the duration of the agreement with the university).
Diversity and inclusion commitment
BNP Paribas Group in Spain is an equal opportunity employer and proud to provide equal employment opportunity to all job seekers. We are actively committed to ensuring that no individual is discriminated against on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership status, pregnancy and maternity/paternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation. Equity and diversity are at the core of our recruitment policy because we believe that they foster creativity and efficiency, which in turn increase performance and productivity. We strive to reflect the society we live in, while keeping with the image of our clients.


BNP Paribas Group is the top bank in the European Union and a major international banking establishment. It has close to 185,000 employees in 65 countries. In Spain we are more than 5,100 employees within 13 business lines.


RISK is an integrated and independent control function of the BNP Paribas Group. It is the second line of defense on the risk management activities of the Group which are under its direct responsibilities, including credit and counterparty risk, market risk, funding and liquidity risk, interest rate and foreign exchange risks in the banking book, insurance risk, operational risk, and environmental and social risks.

RISK aims at being a partner of the businesses by contributing to their sustainable development, but also a gatekeeper to ensure risks taken remain compatible with the Group’s Risk Appetite and its strategy. 

RISK Iberian Hub Madrid is a transversal platform servicing the RISK Function by covering added-value activities around credit risk, market risk, operational risk and data protection. Offering a wide range of services to RISK teams, from consulting to cyber security going through data analysis, modelling or artificial intelligence.



Within RISK Global Framework, RISK ORM (Operational Risk Management) Framework ensures the existence of a consistent, understandable and accountable operational risk management framework.

Within RISK ORM Framework, RISK ORM Norms & Methods & Solutions teams are responsible for the definition and communication of the overall operational risk procedural framework, while steering a tool strategy consistent with this framework.

This includes to perform Trainings on the operational risk framework evolutions, both on methodologies and tools.

In this context, the Training Team of RISK ORM Framework Solutions coordinates globally the overall Training initiatives of RISK ORM (Newcomers Seminar, Initial Training Program, E-Learnings, etc.), in close collaboration with RISK ORM Network (which contributes to the design, syndication, communication, implementation and steering of the operational risk management framework within the operating entities) to address all the Operational Risk Officers (OROs) throughout the Group.

The RISK ORM Initial Training Program (ITP) is a global training journey dedicated primarily to RISK ORM new joiners (approx. 120 per year). It involves 66 RISK ORM Experts for 3 paths of 33 men-days of training per year, on all operational risk topics.

As a RISK ORM Training Business Manager, you will be hierarchically attached to RISK HR Learning & Development (L&D), with a functional link with the Head of RISK ORM Training Team.


You will carry out the following missions:

  •  Training  and training path engineering: 
    • Engineer or reengineer training contents with the Experts (slides, case studies, quizzes) in order to keep trainings rich and updated
    • In order to keep the cohort engaged, organisation of events at the beginning and during the training path
  • Participate in the preparatory work of the Initial Training Program (ITP):
    • Census of new joiners OROs within RISK ORM
    • Confirmation of eligibility for the ITP
    • Organization of the ITP sessions (scheduling, Check for trainers’ availabilities, etc.)
    • Management & Follow-up up of registrations for Training sessions, in particular by using the tools of the HR IT environment (My Development, …)
    • Sending of ‘Save the Date’, invitation to the Trainings
    • Checks for overall consistency of the Training framework (Balanced number of people per sessions, …)
  • Provide technical support for the maintenance of the modules of the Initial Training Program:
    • Assistance in the production / Adjustment of Training materials
    • Support in the use of animation tools such as Polls or Klaxoon
    • Support for adjustment/production of mini videos/audios

Ensure the support work during the Initial Training Program, as well as the post-session work:

  • Support during the session: management of the conference call, support of the Expert on Training tools (Polls, Klaxoon, videos, etc.), management of special cases (Teams US, Switzerland, etc.), recording of the session, etc
  • Monitoring of participation: confirmation of participants’ attendance, production of participation reports, re-registration for other sessions of those who did not participate, etc
  • Consolidation of post-Training feedbacks: satisfaction surveys, etc
  • Organization of initiatives to promote group cohesion and interaction between participants.
  • Proposal of organizational optimizations based on the feedback collected

In the context of these missions, you will have to travel to Paris several times per year. At least twice a year for 1 week each time.



  • You have a first experience of work, ideally on Training, operational risk or communication


  • English and French Advanced


  • Analytical skills and rigor
  • Ability to collaborate / teamwork
  • Ability to communicate – orally and in writing
  • Ability to manage a project
  • Be customer oriented
  • MS Packagr: Excel, PowerPoint and Word



  • Training programs, career plans and internal mobility opportunities, national and international thanks to our presence in different countries
  • Diversity and Inclusion Committee that ensures an inclusive work environment. In recent years, several employee communities have been created to organize diversity and inclusion awareness actions (PRIDE, We Generations and MixCity)
  • Corporate volunteering program (1 Million Hours 2 Help) in which employees can dedicate time out of their working hours to volunteer activities
  • Flexible compensation plan
  • Hybrid telecommuting model (50%)
  • 31 vacation days

Diversity and inclusion commitment

BNP Paribas Group in Spain is an equal opportunity employer and proud to provide equal employment opportunity to all job seekers. We are actively committed to ensuring that no individual is discriminated against on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership status, pregnancy and maternity/paternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation. Equity and diversity are at the core of our recruitment policy because we believe that they foster creativity and efficiency, which in turn increase performance and productivity. We strive to reflect the society we live in, while keeping with the image of our clients.


BNP Paribas Group is the top bank in the European Union and a major international banking establishment. It has close to 185,000 employees in 65 countries. In Spain we are more than 5,100 employees within 13 business lines.


Risk HUB

RISK is an integrated and independent control function of the BNP Paribas Group. It is the second line of defense on the risk management activities of the Group which are under its direct responsibilities, including credit and counterparty risk, market risk, funding and liquidity risk, interest rate and foreign exchange risks in the banking book, insurance risk, operational risk, and environmental and social risks.

RISK aims at being a partner of the businesses by contributing to their sustainable development, but also a gatekeeper to ensure risks taken remain compatible with the Group’s Risk Appetite and its strategy. 

RISK Iberian Hub Madrid is a transversal platform servicing the RISK Function by covering added-value activities around credit risk, market risk, operational risk and data protection. Offering a wide range of services to RISK teams, from consulting to cyber security going through data analysis, modelling or artificial intelligence.



Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) topics are areas of rapid and significant change, increasingly shaping how business is conducted, regulated, measured and reported on.

From a risk management perspective, BNP Paribas considers that ESG factors are risk drivers that may have potential impacts on existing risks such as credit, operational or market risks.

In this context, BNP Paribas has decided to take bold actions to further strengthen the Bank’s initiatives and framework in these areas. RISK IPS in close collaboration with RISK ESG is contributing to the strengthening and homogenization of the various ESG set-ups developed at each of the 4 IPS Métiers.

BNP Paribas IPS (Investment & protection Services) belongs to BNP Paribas Group and encompasses the following Métiers and associated activities:

  • Insurance, protection, and retirement with BNP Paribas Cardif,
  • Asset management with BNP Paribas Asset Management,
  • Private banking with BNP Paribas Wealth Management,
  • Property development and Real estate investment management with BNP Paribas Real Estate.



RISK IPS, as part of the second line of defense on ESG, is contributing to the design and the sound functioning of the ESG risk management framework. It shall ensure adequate set-ups are in place to identify, assess, validate, measure, manage, monitor and report on the ESG related components of the operational risk framework (policies, procedures, historical incidents, control frameworks…), through the effective implementation of ESG factors.

In order to ensure consistency of approaches across the 4 métiers, RISK IPS has created an asset management community with one pillar dedicated to ESG. This pillar is gathering members from RISK ESG and ESG RISK specialists from the 4 métiers. Its responsibilities are the following:

–          Contribution to the definition and implementation of the ESG roadmap for RISK IPS.

–          Contribution with the business lines and the other functions to set-up or enrich the risk management framework with the integration of ESG factors.

–          Contribute actively to the review of the ESG related models and methodologies.

–          Advising on ESG operational related topics upon request.

–          Contribute to the RISK IPS ESG governance through meeting and event organization and through regular reporting and follow up

The RISK ESG Officer will work for the ESG pillar of the asset management community for the day-to-day activities while reporting to the RISK ESG Madrid team leader and will contribute to the delivery of the above objectives”. He / she will also provide support and guidance to a RISK IPS ESG analyst, as well as to an intern.


  • Experience

5 to 10 years of experience in the financial sector

  • Languages

English (Advanced)
French  (Advanced)


Business skills:

  • Knowledge in risk management
  • Knowledge in ESG would be a plus
  • Technical background to perform model review
  • Excel and VBA advanced skills
  • Adaptability
  • Organisation skills
  • Ability to work in team
  • Analytical skills
  • English and French

Tools / technologies / methodologies:
–         PACK MS OFFICE MICROSOFT EXCEL and VBA advanced skills

Behavioral skills:
–         Adaptability

    • Ability to collaborate / teamwork
    • Ability to establish and activate networks (Proficient)
    • Analytical skills


• Training programs, career plans and internal mobility opportunities, national and international thanks to our presence in different countries.

• Diversity and Inclusion Committee that ensures an inclusive work environment. In recent years, several employee communities have been created to organize diversity and inclusion awareness actions (PRIDE, We Generations and MixCity).

• Corporate volunteering program (1 Million Hours 2 Help) in which employees can dedicate time out of their working hours to volunteer activities.

• Flexible compensation plan. 

• Hybrid telecommuting model (50%).

• 31 vacation days.


Diversity and inclusion commitment

BNP Paribas Group in Spain is an equal opportunity employer and proud to provide equal employment opportunity to all job seekers. We are actively committed to ensuring that no individual is discriminated against on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership status, pregnancy and maternity/paternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation. Equity and diversity are at the core of our recruitment policy because we believe that they foster creativity and efficiency, which in turn increase performance and productivity. We strive to reflect the society we live in, while keeping with the image of our clients.

BNP Paribas is a leading European bank in terms of Cash management activity.

Cash Management Servicing represents a key business of CIB involving different poles of BNPP and relying on several teams all along the value chain. This is an activity acting for corporate clients in respect to their cash management services and products.

CIB Cash management’s objective is to be first in terms of quality of service, keeping the client at the heart of our activity and ensuring customers’ satisfaction.

EMEA CIB Cash Management Servicing organization started its transformation journey and a new model has been defined to support business ambition.

To accompany and monitor this transformation in a stimulating environment, we are looking for Leaders to join this pan-European challenge, managing Servicing teams, accompanying the new organisation implementation, based on new skills, new processes and on a new IT set-up.

You will work closely with the business and Sales (Cash Management, Relationship Manager, Business Manager, Local Product offer manager, etc. ), products teams (Cash Management payments and collection, Liquidity management, e-banking, etc ), and with EMEA Teams Hub.


As Cash Management specialist, your role is to guarantee and act as a specialist for the delivery of local eBanking Cash Management and specific local services to clients, ensuring E2E accountability on local/regulatory requirements for implementation, maintenance and support while protecting the interests of the client and the bank.

* To provide the best client satisfaction possible
* To maintain the high-level standards of excellence of the BNPP Cash Management Servicing

* Be responsible/accountable for the setup of the Cash Management local eBanking implementation, post-implementation & maintenance processes
* Be responsible/accountable for the Cash Management local services
* Ensure local regulatory requirements are addressed when delivering local eBanking Cash Management Services to clients
* Maintain regular communication with clients to keep them advised of progress with service delivery and any other material issues arising
* Ensure training of clients on the implemented solutions
* Ensure clients’ satisfaction during the whole implementation, post-implementation & maintenance processes
* Follow-up incident resolution, analysis of client’s feedback and actions to implement and ensure complaints are properly managed
* Follow the internal control framework to ensure reliability and traceability of the work done
* Report encountered issues and achievements to Management, and input the relevant items in the internal reporting tools
* Share skills and expertise within the Servicing environment and beyond (cross and up-skilling)

Knowledge and functional / technical expertise:
* Usage of all Cash Management related business applications
* Completion of BAU Cash Management products
* Excellent technical knowledge of payment/reporting file formats, e.g. ISO20022 (pain and camt), SWIFT (MT101, MT940/942), Local Channel
* Understanding of different types of domestic and cross-border cash management and liquidity management products
* Good understanding of domestic and cross-border payments types, e.g. ACH vs RTGS, settlement processes and methods
* Cash Management risks and procedures
* Project management methodology (problem clarification, meeting organization, presentation, reporting)
* Proficient in the use Microsoft Office

Soft skills/mindset:
* Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills
* Excellent communication skills both verbal and written
* is a plus
* Be customer experience driven
* Excellent organizational skills and time management skills
* Ability to take initiative
* Ability to work as a team and share information with colleagues
* Be proactive and continuously improve your knowledge of Cash Management products and services

Diversity and Inclusion commitment

BNP Paribas Group in Spain is an equal opportunity employer and proud to provide equal employment opportunity to all job seekers. We are actively committed to ensuring that no individual is discriminated against on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership status, pregnancy and maternity/paternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation.

Equity and diversity are at the core of our recruitment policy because we believe that they foster creativity and efficiency, which in turn increase performance and productivity. Therefore, on equal terms of qualifications and competencies for the position, the candidate of the underrepresented sex at that level shall have access to the position. We strive to reflect the society we live in, while keeping with the image of our clients.

BNP Paribas Group is the top bank in the European Union and a major international banking establishment. It has close to 185,000 employees in 65 countries. In Spain we are more than 5,100 employees within 13 business lines.

Spain IT Production

Spain IT Production organization consists of CIB ITO & ITG IT Platforms and is responsible for providing IT Production services to our Clients in EMEA, ensuring a Digital Market evolution, in a secured and performant environment, and with a reliable quality. IT Production organisation includes Infrastructure services, Digital Working, Telecom& Datacentres, Production Security and Application Production domains and associated transversal services (CTO Office, Control Tower, PMO and IT Continuity). In Spain, IT Production relies on a Platform with over 400 experts that provide full-stack support services ensuring a secure, stable, standardized, and efficient production.



• Provides end user satisfaction by solving end-user incidents in a timely fashion.

• Tracks and proactively manages Incidents. Determines improvement strategies to reduce incidents.

• Works out new solutions to incidents and documents them in Knowledge Base Articles.


• Provide technical support on Windows Client devices. This includes Windows (10, 11), Edge, Office 2016/365, Office Companions, McAffee, BitLocker and Intune.

• Participates in Incident and Problem management.

• Contact with Microsoft editor opening and managing incidents where needed.

• Participation into continuous improvement and development of the workspace.

* Experience:

* At least 3 years of experience in complex IT infrastructure environments.
* Experience of large organizations.
* ITIL trained and experience with ITSM tools.

* Languages:

* High English spoken and written fluent (B2/C).
* French is a plus.

* Technical:

* Good knowledge and experience with following systems:
* Windows operating system (10 & 11).
* Office 2016/365, Office companions.
* Edge, Trellix, BitLocker, GPO’s and Intune.
* Understanding of core IT Desktop technologies:
* Deployment solutions: SCCM, WSUS.
* General knowledge: LAN, DNS, Active Directory, Azure.
* PowerShell scripting.
* Strong knowledge of ITIL (service delivery).

* Transversal & Behavioral:

* The ideal candidate is a team player focused on delivering the team objectives.
* Collaborates effectively with other support teams to provide the required support and a smooth experience for the end-user.
* Works with the Knowledge Management team and the regional service desks to optimize end-user support.
* Collaboration in a team built between Madrid and Paris.

* Other Value-Added Competencies:

* Mature, independent, well organized with excellent communication skills (written, spoken, presentations).
* Exposed to multi-cultural environment and able to work as part of a Global team.
* Quick thinker and good decision-maker.
* Analytical, detail-oriented and self-motivated.
* Knowledge of the French Language would be welcomed.
* Knowledge of any of the following is a plus:
* Intune, AzureAD, VPN Tunnel and Microsoft Defender.
* Tanium.
* BeyondTrust.
* MacOS and iOS management.


• Training programs, career plans and internal mobility opportunities, national and international thanks to our presence in different countries.

• Diversity and Inclusion Committee that ensures an inclusive work environment. In recent years, several employee communities have been created to organize diversity and inclusion awareness actions (PRIDE, We Generations and MixCity).

• Corporate volunteering program (1 Million Hours 2 Help) in which employees can dedicate time out of their working hours to volunteer activities.

• Flexible compensation plan.

• Hybrid telecommuting model (50%).

• 31 vacation days.

Diversity and inclusion commitment

BNP Paribas Group in Spain is an equal opportunity employer and proud to provide equal employment opportunity to all job seekers. We are actively committed to ensuring that no individual is discriminated against on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership status, pregnancy and maternity/paternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation. Equity and diversity are at the core of our recruitment policy because we believe that they foster creativity and efficiency, which in turn increase performance and productivity. We strive to reflect the society we live in, while keeping with the image of our clients.


BNP Paribas Group is the top bank in the European Union and a major international banking establishment. It has close to 185,000 employees in 65 countries. In Spain we are more than 5,100 employees within 13 business lines.

Infinity Finance HUB

BNP Paribas EMEA Finance employs 500 employees, of which more than 325 are based in Madrid. We manage more than 250 BNP Paribas entities from all over Europe, covering +60% of Group’s balance sheet and all group’s banking activities (Corporate & Investment Banking, Retail Banking, Personal Finance and other financial services activities…).

Our mission is to measure, control and explain all the financial indicators required to monitor accounting, tax, regulatory, liquidity, credit risk reporting and management result activities.



Preparation of regular financial reporting information, IFRS reporting  & data quality controls, IFRS projects implementation


Monthly controls over the reliability of reporting information. Quarterly financial reporting.



 University Graduate


Experience in audit or accounting / reporting /related functions, Experience of working in international environment  is a plus
2 to 5 years of experience, good knowledge of finance.


English: Fluent

French is a plus



       Excel fluent


Transversal & Behavioral

Ability to collaborate/Teamwork

Analytical ability

 Creativity & Innovation/Problem solving


• Training programs, career plans and internal mobility opportunities, national and international thanks to our presence in different countries.

• Diversity and Inclusion Committee that ensures an inclusive work environment. In recent years, several employee communities have been created to organize diversity and inclusion awareness actions (PRIDE, We Generations and MixCity).

• Corporate volunteering program (1 Million Hours 2 Help) in which employees can dedicate time out of their working hours to volunteer activities.

• Flexible compensation plan. 

• Hybrid telecommuting model (50%).

• 31 vacation days.

Diversity and inclusion commitment

BNP Paribas Group in Spain is an equal opportunity employer and proud to provide equal employment opportunity to all job seekers. We are actively committed to ensuring that no individual is discriminated against on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership status, pregnancy and maternity/paternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation. Equity and diversity are at the core of our recruitment policy because we believe that they foster creativity and efficiency, which in turn increase performance and productivity. We strive to reflect the society we live in, while keeping with the image of our clients.


El Grupo BNP Paribas es el principal banco de la Unión Europea y uno de los más importantes a nivel internacional. Contamos con cerca de 185.000 empleados en 65 países. En España somos más de 5.100 empleados en 13 líneas de negocio.



BNP Paribas Personal Finance, a través de su marca comercial Cetelem, es especialista en crédito al consumo, préstamos personales y gestión de tarjetas. Es partner financiero de importantes empresas de distribución, de bienes de consumo y concesionarios de automóviles y, además, un referente de análisis de mercado gracias a los estudios del Observatorio Cetelem. BNP Paribas Personal Finance cuenta con 20.000 empleados prestando servicio a más de 20 millones de clientes.




La Dirección de Mobilty de BNP Paribas Personal Finance, ofrece la posibilidad de incorporarte como beca y aprender de la mano de un gran equipo de profesionales.


  • Solicitar la documentación necesaria para la preparación del Expediente Comercial de cara a ser analizado por Riesgo para la puesta en producción de las Pólizas. 
  • Preparación y montaje de los expedientes (recopilando información y documentación) con el objetivo de presentarlos a la Dirección de Riesgo para estudio. 
  • Preparar los expedientes con la revisión previa de la documentación a solicitar al Concesionario (Balances, PYG, IS, IVAS, Memorias…)                                                               
  • Realizar las consultas en las diferentes Bases de Datos (externas/internas) para completar el expediente.
  • Solicitar Verificaciones Registrales 
  • Seguir la situación de cada uno de los expedientes (documentaciones pendientes)
  • Mantener la relación comercial con los concesionarios, Equipo Comercial y con el departamento de Riesgo
  • Realizar reportes incidencias y estadísticas a Crédito Stock, así como los controles correspondientes.
  • Preparación de Textos Legales (Pólizas, Rebalanceos, Ampliaciones etc…..)                                                                                     
  • Seguimiento del proceso de firmas de los textos legales.                                                                                         



  • Estudios

Estudios en Economía, ADE, Finanzas

  • Experiencia

No requerida

  • Idiomas

Español fluido

Inglés medio



  • Técnicas

• Capacidad analítica

• Conocimiento de herramientas informáticas

  • Transversales & Comportamentales

• Capacidad de Organización

• Orientación al cliente



• Modelo híbrido de teletrabajo.

• Un día de vacaciones por mes trabajado (conforme duración de Convenio con la universidad).


Compromiso de diversidad e inclusión

BNP Paribas Grupo en España es un empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades y se enorgullece de brindar igualdad de oportunidades de empleo a todos los que buscan trabajo. Nos comprometemos activamente a garantizar que ninguna persona sea discriminada por motivos de edad, discapacidad, cambio de género, estado civil o de matrimonio, embarazo y maternidad/paternidad, raza, religión o creencias, sexo u orientación sexual. La equidad y la diversidad están en el centro de nuestra política de contratación porque creemos que fomentan la creatividad y la eficiencia, lo que a su vez aumenta el rendimiento y la productividad. Por tanto, en igualdad de condiciones en cuanto a cualificación y competencias para el puesto, accederá la persona candidata del sexo menos representado en ese nivel. Nos esforzamos por reflejar la sociedad en la que vivimos, manteniendo la imagen de nuestros clientes.